I highly recommend Playing
with Fire.
In Playing with Fire:
The 1968 Election and the Transformation of American Politics, Lawrence O’Donnell
tells the political stories and the story of the efforts to stop the war. He says that was the year that “flattering an
audience’s intelligence” went permanently out of style (p. 221). O’Donnell praises and condemns the political
players for their actions and draws conclusions from that time to today’s Trump
O’Donnell (p. 404) describes Nixon’s treason in the “Chennault” affair: “Richard Nixon knew he had committed the
worst crime in American political history—a crime that arguably cost more than
twenty thousand American soldiers their lives by extending the war. And he also knew it was the perfect crime.”
See also 7-29-18 Smithsonian.com
See also 7-29-18 Smithsonian.com